04 November 2014


hi uolls..ins nk start blog with this review of OBUSE EYEBROW..
ins suke sgt2 with the texture..bau pon wangi..cm bau bedak org tua..hehe..walaupun this stuff murah, tp jgn sangka bnda murah xde kualiti tau..warna sgt2 pigmented especially wrna hitam..cntik sgt ble buat smokey..terserlah kehitaman nye...de glitter2 tp bile apply xnmpk pon..
kecik sgt..mmg compactible.blh selit2 dlm poket je..brush pn comel je..tp bg ins brush die lmbut sgt..myb ins dh trbiase guna brush keras..
ok..thats all..obuse eyebrow yg terjual di shop2 on9 ins tgok dlm range harga rm8- rm15..but...ins just dpt dlm rm4.50..hehe...murah x??? murah x????
ins kasi..5/5..<3
The packaging..comel2 je
colour die cm de glitter2 skit..tapi xnmpak pon
Tadaa..me wearing yg kaler tengah2..klu rase cm light sgt leh camur hitam sket..tp sikit je hitam tau sbb kaler hitam die sgt terang..tang tangg